Carbohydrate Bioproduct Research Center



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김현석 (Kim, Hyun-Seok)


Tel. +82-31-249-1319



- 전분 소재 개발 및 식품 적용 연구
- 식품 소재 가공 기술 개발 및 식품 적용 연구
- 농수산물을 활용한 가공식품 개발
- 농수산 가공부산물의 식품소재화 기술 및 식품소재 개발

수행 연구과제

- 수입 전분대체 고품질 쌀 전분 소재 대량 생산기술 개발 (협동책임, 농림축산식품부, 2018-2020)
- 거시적 노화기작 규명을 통한 전분노화 예측 및 제어 기술 개발 (연구책임, 한국연구재단, 2018-2021)
- 쌀 단백질 점탄성 증진 기술 개발 (위탁책임, 한국식품연구원, 2019-2020)
- 흑국균을 이용한 천연 흑 식품색소 개발 및 상업화 (협동책임, 농림축산식품부, 2019-2020)
- 친환경 저온플라즈마 그래프팅에 의한 다기능성 전분-생물고분자 그래프트 하이브리드의 설계 및 개발 (연구책임, 한국연구재단, 2015-2018)

대표적 연구실적

- Green process development for apple-peel pectin production by organic acid extraction. (2019) Carbohydrate Polymers
- Physicochemical properties of partially α-glucan-coated normal corn starch formed by amylosucrase from Neisseria polysaccharea. (2019) International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
- Enzymatic extraction of starch from broken rice using freeze-thaw infusion with food-grade protease. (2018) Starch/Stärke
- Preparation and characterization of amorphous granular potato starches (AGPS) and cross-linked amorphous granular potato starches (CLAGPS). (2017) Carbohydrate Polymers
- Effects of microwave-discharged cold plasma on synthesis and characteristics of citrate derivatives of corn starch granules. (2017) Food Science and Biotechnology
- Influence of molecular structure on physicochemical properties and digestibility of normal rice starches. (2015) International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
- Efficiency of high hydrostatic pressure in preparing amorphous granular starches. (2015) Starch/Stärke
- Physicochemical properties of dehydrated potato parenchyma cells with ungelatinized and gelatinized starches. (2015) Carbohydrate Polymers
- Effects of the amylose-amylopectin ratio on starch-hydrocolloid interactions. (2013) Carbohydrate Polymers