Carbohydrate Bioproduct Research Center



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김종예 (Kim, Jong-Yea)


Tel. +82-33-250-6455



- 식품 및 생물고분자 소재를 활용한 나노 입자 제조 공정 개발 및 활용
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수행 연구과제

- 전분 기반 유화제 개발 및 산업적 활용 연구 (책임연구, 한국식품연구원, 2019-2021)
- 전분 나노 입자를 활용한 기능성 소재 나노 캡슐화 모델 시스템 개발 (책임연구, 연구재단, 2018-2020)
- 화학첨가물 제로 영유아 맞춤형 과채음료 개발 연구 (책임연구, 중소벤처기업부, 2017-2018)
- 글루코만난 첨가에 따른 면류의 물리화학적 변화 규명 연구 (책임연구, 삼양식품, 2017-2018)
- 기능성 전분 나노 입자 제조 및 산업적 응용 모델 시스템 개발 연구 (책임연구, 연구재단 2015-2018)

대표적 연구실적

- Change in textural properties, starch digestibility, and aroma of nonfried instant noodles by substitution of konjac glucomannan. (2019) Cereal Chemistry
- Controlled fragmentation of starch into nanoparticles using a dry heating under mildly acidic conditions. (2019) International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
- Effect of dextrinization and octenylsuccinylation of high amylose starch on complex formation with omega-3 fatty acid (EPD/DHA). (2018) Food Hydrocolloids
- Effect of dual modification of HMT and crosslinking on physicochemical properties and digestibility of waxy maize starch. (2018) Food Hydrocolloids
- Starch nanoparticles resulting from combination of dry heating under mildly acidic conditions and homogenization. (2017) Carbohydrate Polymers
- Effect of heat-moisture treatment under mildly acidic condition on fragmentation of waxy maize starch granules into nanoparticles. (2017) Food Hydrocolloids
- Relationship between pasting parameters and length of paste drop of carious starches. (2017) LWT
- Volatile composition and sensory characteristics of onion powders prepared by convective drying. (2017) Food Chemistry