Carbohydrate Bioproduct Research Center



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홍근표 (Hong, Geun-Pyo)


Tel. +82-2-3408-2914

Fax. +82-2-3408


- 식품의 급속 냉해동 기술 개발
- 식품의 초고압 비가열 살균 기술 개발
- 난용성 소재의 가용화를 위한 아임계수 가수분해 기술 개발
- 식품 가공 단위 공정 효율 향상을 위한 신가공 기술 개발

수행 연구과제

- 인삼을 활용한 신규 제형제품 개발 (농림축산식품부, 2018-2020)
- 식품의 안정적인 빙핵 형성 억제를 통한 초급속 냉동 기술 개발 (한국연구재단, 2017-2020) 실사용 환경을 고려한 식품의 과냉각 저장 기술
개발 (LG전자, 2017-2019)
- 고령자용 식재료 연화기술 개발 (농림축산식품부, 2017-2020)
- 식품나노소재 기준물질 제조, 분석, 효능 및 안전성 평가 원천기술 개발 (한국연구재단, 2014-2019)

대표적 연구실적

- Characterization of bovine serum albumin hydrolysates prepared by subcritical water processing. (2019) Food Chemistry
- Quality characteristics and moisture sorption isotherm of three varieties of dried sweet potato manufactured by hot air semi-drying
followed by hot-pressing. (2018) LWT-Food Science and Technology
- Micro- and nano-scaled materials for strategy-based applications in innovative livestock products: A review. (2018) Trends in Food
Science and Technology
- Studies on the anti-oxidative function of trans-cinnamaldehyde-included β-cyclodextrin complex. (2017) Molecules
- Characterization of soy protein hydrolysates produced by varying subcritical water processing temperature. (2017) Innovative Food
Science and Emerging Technologies
- Effects of pulsed infra-red radiation followed by hot-press drying on the properties of mashed sweet potato chips. (2017) LWT-Food
Science and Technology
- Pressure ohmic thawing: A feasible approach for the rapid thawing of frozen meat and its effects on quality attributes. (2016) Food and
Bioprocess Technology
- (사)한국식품과학회/2018 학술진보상