Carbohydrate Bioproduct Research Center



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이병호 (Lee, Byung-Hoo)


Tel. +82-31-750-5405


- 소장내 탄수화물 분해 효소의 생화학적 특성에 기반한 탄수화물 소화 모델 개발
- 당전이 효소를 활용한 지소화성 탄수화물 소재 개발
- 천연 탄수화물 분해 효소 저해제를 활용한 식후 급격한 혈당 조절 방안 확립
- 미생물 유래 다당체의 구조적/생리학적 특성 규명을 통한 식품 소재 적용

수행 연구과제

- 고분지 알파한계 덱스트린을 이용한 지소화성 탄수화물 소재 개발 및 응용 (연구책임, 한국연구재단, 2018-2022)
- 포유류 유래 탄수화물 분해 효소의 저해 모델 최적화를 통한 식후 혈당 조절 식품 소재 연구 (연구책임, 율촌재단, 2018-2019)
- 유산균체 대사물 연구를 통한 건강기능성 유제품 개발 및 상품화 (참여 연구원, 농림수산식품기술기획평가원, 2017-2019)
- 글루텐 프리 신소재 및 가공기술 개발 (연구책임자, 한국식품연구원, 2018)
- Analysis of glucose generation rate and dietary fiber content in foods by simulating the human gastrointestinal tract
(공동연구책임, Nestle Research Center, 2016-2018)

대표적 연구실적

- Different inhibition properties of tea polyphenols on the individual subunits of mucosal α-glucosidases as measured by partially-purified rat intestinal extract. (2019) Food & Function
- Physicochemical properties of partially α-glucan-coated normal corn starch formed by amylosucrase from Neisseria polysaccharea. (2019) International Journal of Biomacromolecules
- Optimization of in vitro carbohydrate digestion by mammalian mucosal α-glucosidases and its applications to hydrolyze the various sources of starches. (2019) Food Hydrocolloids
- Pregelatinized starches enriched in slowly digestible and resistant fractions. (2018) LWT - Food Science and Technology
- Biochemical properties of L-arabinose isomerase from Clostridium hylemonae to produce D-tagatose as a functional sweetener. (2018) Plos One
- Effects of raw potato starch on body weight with controlled glucose delivery. (2018) Food Chemistry
- Maltase has most versatile α-hydrolytic activity among the mucosal α-glucosidases of the small intestine. (2017) Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
- Number of branch points in α-limit dextrins impact glucose generation rates by mammalian mucosal α-glucosidases. (2017) Carbohydrate Polymers